Fashion obsession: Ballet chic (in three parts)

Karl Lagerfeld isn’t the only mega-designer to sign up for a collaboration with Macy’s. Vivienne Westwood, Calvin Klein, Costume National and Versace will also be putting out capsule collections for the American department store. [WWD]

Herve Leger V neck
Barney’s creative director Simon Doonan has some wedding style advice for princess-to-be Kate Middleton: cut your hair short and wear a Victoria Beckham-designed wedding dress. [Slate]
Blame Kanye’s short film Runaway, which put the spotlight squarely on a flock of ballerinas in black tutus, or Natalie Portman’s much-hyped turn as a scarily focused prima ballerina in Black Swan, but we’re currently obsessed with all things ballet-related. The video for Anna Dello Russo‘s eponymous fragrance is set to the tune of Kanye West‘s “Runaway.” [The Cut]
Herve Leger

Karl Lagerfeld is the latest designer to announce a collaboration with a mass retailer. The Kaiser will design a capsule collection for Macy’s, set to hit stores in September.. [WWD]

Could a third installment in the Sex and the City movie franchise be coming to the silver screen? “We all want to do it,” says Kristin Davis. “I guess it’s just figuring out whether we can move the characters forward any more.” [Vogue UK]
One Shoulder Herve Leger

Par shiyang83 le jeudi 19 mai 2011


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