The daily steal: Sequined wristlet,

A peek into my accessories drawer will reveal that, among other things, I am truly the queen of procrastinators (and impulse buyers). When deadlines loom and there are errands to be run, I can often be found making yet another have-to-have-it
Herve Leger Short Skirtpurchase—and usually online. In the spirit of sharing my finds, then, from one fashion lover to another, here are a few western Canada accessories designers peddling their wares on Etsy . Also known as the most fun place to find random, pretty things that are well organized and easily searched, the site is one of my go-tos when it comes to trolling the Internet for one-of-a-kind bits and baubles—and holiday gifts.
The rumour mill, ever at work, has pushed out another high/low collaboration nugget: Tom Ford to design a capsule collection for H&M. [Elle UK]
One Shoulder Herve Leger

Daphne Guinness is the latest fashion personality to join Twitter. [Daphne Guinness Twitter]

Harry Potter star and Burberry model Emma Watson doesn’t understand celebrity fragrances: “I can’t understand this fragrance thing. Why would you want to smell like somebody else? Don’t you want to smell like yourself?,” Watson said. [People
Herve Leger V Neck DressStyle Watch] Leighton Meester wore a pleated velvet Versus dress with Pierre Hardy Circle platform sandals in Madrid at a Herbal Essence photocall. What do you think of Meester’s ode to the LBD? Vote after the jump.

Par shiyang83 le jeudi 19 mai 2011


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